International Enneagram Association Finland, IEA

IEA Finland

The Finnish Enneagram Association, IEA Finland, was founded in 1995. The international IEA (International Enneagram Association) has a rich history and is extremely active worldwide. In addition to being an international association of members committed to furthering the theory and applications of the Enneagram, the IEA also has local chapters in the United States and Canada and countrywide affiliates throughout the world.


IEA Vision and Mission

Vision: We envision a world in which the Enneagram is widely understood and constructively used.

Mission: The IEA’s mission is to help our members thrive through providing opportunities for:

  • Developing greater excellence in the use of the Enneagram
  • Education in theory and application of the Enneagram
  • Engagement with an international community of shared interest and diversified approach

Enouraging the ethical use of the Enneagram is central to the mission of the IEA. All IEA members shall adhere to the IEA’s General Ethical Guidelines. In addition, those accredited by the IEA shall adhere to the Code of Ethics for IEA Accredited Teachers.

IEA General Ethical Guidelines

The Enneagram can be used by individuals and professionals from a variety of backgrounds, including educators, business consultants, artists, therapists, spiritual directors, and medical professionals; all of whom use it in an increasing range of contexts and applications. Because the Enneagram is such a powerful and profound system for understanding the human character, it is important that those who use the system with others do so in a values-based, ethical manner.

We encourage each professional to use the Enneagram within his or her areas of training and expertise. For example, we expect that business consultants would use the system for organization development, team building, and leadership training; coaches might use it with clients to help them improve their personal and interpersonal effectiveness and work performance. Neither a business consultant nor a coach would typically do psychotherapy with individuals who have serious emotional problems, such therapy being the domain of licensed psychologists and other mental health professionals. Coaches and consultants using the Enneagram should follow the same practices. Likewise, those using the Enneagram in the business arena should have some expertise in business-consulting engagements.


To fulfill our vision and mission, we do the following

  • Sponsor the most dynamic gathering of Enneagram experts worldwide: the IEA Conference is held annually in major cities throughout the nation
  • Offer high-quality publications such as The Enneagram Monthly, Nine Points, the IEA quarterly newsletter, and the forthcoming IEA Enneagram Journal to keep members updated with the most recent Enneagram developments and IEA latest news and events
  • Maintain an innovative, interactive and resource-rich website providing up-to-date, useful information
  • Maintain a data base that is accessible to our members
  • Support the growth and development of IEA Chapters, International Affiliates and Partners, offering unparalleled opportunities for members to play an active Enneagram role in local communities
  • Offer challenging and rewarding opportunities for leadership, ranging from local hands-on involvement to national visibility: volunteering at conferences and chapter events, creating IEA local chapters or alliances, or becoming an IEA or Chapter Board Member
  • Support and foster Enneagram-related research
  • Offer exclusive members-only services and products
  • Facilitate adherence to high ethical standards in Enneagram-related training, research, promotional activities, and applications